Friday, December 08, 2006

The Cosmos

Let me start off by stating that this post may be offensive to some. After reading it, you may want to label me a racist. If your criteria for using that label are so indiscriminate, so be it, but you would be wrong in more ways than one. I have never, do not currently, and never will judge any person by the color of their skin, nor by their ethnicity. I believe that God created all people, and I love them all. So there.

Anybody who keeps up on current event knows that Michael Richards, the actor/comedian best known for his role as Cosmo Kramer on the show Seinfeld, suffered a serious lack of control and judgment when he unleashed a string of insults that included several uses of the "n-word." The media hype surrounding this episode has focused on the word more than any other part of the story, and I read today that the "Rev" Jesse Jackson is now on a campaign to end the use of the word completely in all media. I support the effort, even though, like many of the crusades on which R. Jesse has embarked, I expect sometime in the near future he will clarify that that only applies to non African-Americans, who apparently can use that word, and other words like "honkey", "cracker," and "white bread," without consequence. But before I distract from my mission, I want to bring up some other parts of the story that are being glanced over at best.

1) The video that broke the story - How is that this recording ever came to be, except that somebody blatantly violated copyright law and used a recording device during a live show? I've been to a comedy club or two, and distinctly remember signs, and print on the back of the ticket, explicitly prohibiting the use of any recording device during the show. In the US, copyright infringement can result in punishment including 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines. But nobody seems to want to bring this up. The recording is illegal, and the person responsible for making it is a criminal and should be prosecuted. And don't give me any crap about the person wanting to capture the episode for the media - the camera was rolling well before he went nuts!

2) defines "racists" as the following:

1. A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. A policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. Hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Each of these seem to require a PATTERN that demonstrates these qualities. I have not seen this pattern in either Michael Richards or Mel Gibson, both of whom have been branded with this label recently. I think the media is quick to use that label, and they are quick to quote any un-educated joe blow off the street who uses it because they know that it will generate hype. Get off it. Save the label for people like Chris Rock and anybody involved with the Klan.

3) One of the "protests" is that people are advocating boycotting "Seinfeld," including not buying the 7th season DVD set that was recently released. What the (insert profanity) is that supposed to prove? The way I see it, it only shows that people are too stupid to differentiate the actions of one individual from something that happened years before. It also punishes Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, and everybody else who profits from the sale for something they had nothing to do with. I don't get it. If you need to protest something, don't go see Michael Richards.

4) The R. Jackson has stated publicly that the "n-word" is not protected under the 1st amendment. WRONG! If somebody chooses to use that word, they are protected...but there are obvious consequences. Personally, I choose to not use the word, and I am in no way advocating it. My point is that the R. Jackson doesn't seem to understand what freedom of speech really means.


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