Vote for Pedro

If you've ever seen the movie Nepolian Dynamite, you saw Pedro's campaign to run for student office. One of the elements of the campaign was a shirt that said "Vote for Pedro." I think we should make a law that the only campaign propoganda allowed are shirts like this.

Every Novemeber, our city turns into a deposit for all manner of florescent sign, each rudely blaring a message on who I should vote for. My first problem is that these signs are an eyesore. Seriously! Do you need to put 15 of the same sign on a street corner to get you message across? My second issues is that the city seems to turn a blind eye to the laws about sinage. A couple of years ago, our church was advertising an Easter musical. Part of our advertising strategy was to use lawn signs, not unlike the campaign signs that are littering our city this month. Our signs were black and white and they had an image of Jesus and the productions web site. The day after our signs hit the streets, the City Hall called us and told us to take our signs down. The only reason they gave was "there is just something about that man." They could just as easily quoted us chapter and verse from the city ordinacen regarding signage, because in beautiful Rancho Cucamonga, lawn signs are not permitted on public property, or in any area considers "public space," like

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